Different Types of Tax Services
Within the scope of tax, there are many types of services tax payers can choose from: Tax Preparation, Tax Resolution, and Tax Planning. The segment below summarizes the different types of services below:
Tax Preparation
This is the most common and familiar service for taxpayers. Once tax time rolls around, taxpayers are required to gather all their current year tax forms and file their taxes before the deadline. Taxpayers can either file taxes themselves or have a tax professional file for them.
Tax Resolution
Those that allowed to practice before the IRS (CPA's, EA's, and Attorneys) can provide resolution services to taxpayers and can service in numerous ways. Included, but not limited to: OIC, PPIA, audit and appeals representation, and more)
Tax Planning
Tax planning services helps taxpayers find ways to legally lower their tax bill. This type of service is inherently analytical and uses prior tax year data to identify trends and tax savings opportunities for taxpayers.